NetCat the IT Swiss Knife Complete Commented Examples

Netcat is a very good piece of software used all around the world by security and IT professionals, in general, to accomplish many different goals, from loading a simple socket in a specific port to test network connectivity, to develop full backdoors for other meanings. Here below is an article I have written and published in a very well-known Brazilian IT magazine called Infra Magazine, more specifically on issue number 3. This article was initially published in Portuguese therefore I’ve translated it into English. Nice Reading! NetCat: The TCP/IP Swiss…

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Pentesting Vulnerable Study Frameworks Complete List

It’s very difficult for a beginner security analyst, especially when it comes to the intrusive security field, to find good study resources. Starting from the principle that in security there are many other sub-areas of study like Penetration Testing (such as web app, network, wireless, mobile), forensics, reverse engineering, cryptography, etc, it becomes even more difficult to choose one and then find proper study resources. Another thing is finding actual study environments and labs. Every pentester would generally say that you learn hacking by hacking, which for most beginners will…

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